How to Re-Apply for PatientFi Financing

If your previous application was declined, or if you want to try again for a potentially better spending limit, you may consider re-applying for PatientFi financing. Below, we’ll explain the waiting period requirements and offer tips on how to improve your chances of approval.

When Can I Re-Apply?

  • If Your Application Was Declined:
    You must wait at least 30 days before submitting a new application. This waiting period gives you time to address any issues that may have contributed to the decline, such as paying down debts or improving your credit score.

  • If Your Spending Limit Expired:
    There is no 30-day waiting period if your spending limit has expired. You may re-apply as soon as it expires. Take this opportunity to review your financial situation and ensure your information is current before submitting a new application.

How to Re-Apply

  1. Log In to Your Account:
    Visit the PatientFi Borrower Portal and log in using your credentials.

  2. Start a New Application:
    Follow the on-screen instructions to submit a new application. Confirm your personal details,  make any needed adjustments to your gross annual income, and review the terms and conditions.

  3. Review Your Information Carefully:
    Double-check all personal, financial, and employment details for accuracy. Incomplete or incorrect information can lead to delays or another decline.

  4. Submit Your Application:
    Once everything is correct, click “Submit” to initiate a soft credit check. This will not affect your credit score.

Tips to Improve Approval Odds

  • Check Your Credit Report: Make sure there are no errors and that any negative marks are addressed.
  • Reduce Your Debt-to-Income Ratio: Paying down existing debt can show lenders you have more room to handle new credit.
  • Maintain Steady Employment: A stable, consistent income can improve your chances of approval.
  • Provide Accurate Information: Ensure all details in your application are up-to-date and correct.


Will Re-Applying Affect My Credit Score?

No, PatientFi uses a soft credit inquiry, which does not impact your credit score.

Do I Need to Contact Support Before Re-Applying?

Not required, but if you have questions or need guidance on improving your chances, our Support Team is here to help.

If I Was Previously Approved, Can I Get a Higher Spending Limit When I Re-Apply?

Your new spending limit depends on your current credit profile and financial situation. Positive changes could result in a higher limit.

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions about re-applying or need help with your application, contact our Support Team at (866) 734-5979 or email We’re here to support you every step of the way!

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